Accessing PPG information on GP websites

We wanted to find out whether Norfolk surgeries or practice websites include accessible Patient Participation Group (PPG) information such as how to register, how frequently they meet, and any notes from previous meetings.

Cancer information on Norfolk GP surgery websites

Linking in with a piece of work carried out by other East of England Healthwatch, Healthwatch Norfolk (HWN) conducted a mini audit to look at what information is available for cancer patients on GP surgery websites.

Covid-19 Survey 3 May 14-27 2020

We have been working with Norfolk health and social care organisations to look into residents’ experiences of accessing information and support during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak in the UK.

Dental provision in Norfolk October 2020

This report highlights the signposting queries we have received regarding dental services in Norfolk since January 2020 and the information people have been requesting regarding dental services. It also details reviews of dental practices our engagement team have collected, and investigations carried out by the Healthwatch Norfolk team into dentist’s website and the availability of dental practices taking on new NHS patients.

Living a good life in Norfolk care homes

Healthwatch Norfolk identified a need to gather feedback from both care home residents and their relatives on how their care provider is supporting them to lead a good life.

Experiences of Covid-19 information and support July 2020

The survey was open between 16th April and 13th July 2020 to gather residents’ experiences of accessing information and support during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak in the UK. The aim of the survey was to gather constructive information from service users that might provide real-time insight into community need, experience, and awareness of available support.

Cancer appointment experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic

This report shares the results of Healthwatch Norfolk’s project about people’s experiences of cancer appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norfolk and Waveney. The project aimed to find out about experiences and views on in-person and virtual (phone, video, and e-mail/e-messaging) appointments.

GP access for people with no fixed abode

Healthwatch Norfolk wanted to understand the experience of patients with no fixed abode (NFA), their ability to access GP services, and what barriers they may face when it comes to accessing healthcare provision. We were especially interested in whether patients with no fixed abode are able to sign up to a new surgery.