Priory Burston House Secure In-Patient Unit My Views Matter report

Healthwatch Norfolk visited Priory Burston House Secure In-Patient Unit as part of its My Views Matter project visiting residential sites for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. We announced the visit in advance in order to minimise disruption and spent around three hours talking to patients and staff, observing life within the service, and examining […]
Priory Lombard House My Views Matter report

We visited Priory Lombard House in Little Ellingham to talk to residents and staff about their care. It was part of our My Views Matter project where we visited residential sites for people with learning disabilities and/or autism following the deaths of some residents in sites operated by Jeesal. None of the patients we spoke […]
Hillhouse Residential Home | My Views Matter Report

She looks at it as her home, if you know what I mean
6 Lamberts My Views Matter report

Overall, the staff at 6 Lamberts appeared to understand residents well and to
have good relationships with them. The premises seemed to be well personalised, and were being renovated after a period of disrepair.
The Old Rectory My Views Matter report

Part of Healthwatch Norfolk’s work programme is to carry out Enter and View visits to health and social care services, to see and hear how people experience care. The visits are carried out by our authorised representatives. From September 2022 – April 2023, our Enter and View visits were part of a project called ‘My […]
Astley Court My Views Matter report

Part of Healthwatch Norfolk’s work programme is to carry out Enter and View visits to health and social care services, to see and hear how people experience care. The visits are carried out by our authorised representatives. From September 2022 – April 2023, our Enter and View visits were part of a project called ‘My […]
Home-Start Norfolk impact June 2023

Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned to undertake this piece of work by Home-Start Norfolk, who received funding from the National Lottery to commission an Impact Report as well as an external evaluation of the Impact Report. This report is our external evaluation of that Impact Report, which was completed by Community Praxis.
Support for carers of those with dementia

Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned by Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) to find out what they can do to further support the needs of carers of those living with dementia when they are an inpatient in hospital. We aimed to gather feedback around carers experiences of times where their loved ones were inpatients and understand how those experiences could be improved.
Patient Partner evaluation

Healthwatch Norfolk was asked by Reepham and Aylsham Medical Practice to evaluate the practice’s automated telephone system- Patient Partner. The aim was to develop a greater understanding of why uptake of the system is low and provide recommendations based on patient feedback.
Transition of care from children’s to adults’ health and care services February 2023

Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned by Norfolk Community Health and Care (NCH&C) to investigate the experiences of young people, their families/carers, and professionals of the move from children’s to adults’ health and care services, known as transitioning, across Norfolk.