Priory Burston House Secure In-Patient Unit My Views Matter report

Healthwatch Norfolk visited Priory Burston House Secure In-Patient Unit as part of its My Views Matter project visiting residential sites for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.

We announced the visit in advance in order to minimise disruption and spent around three hours talking to patients and staff, observing life within the service, and examining the building and its facilities. In total, we chatted to five of the sixteen patients, three family members of patients, and five staff including the manager.

Most of the feedback we received from patients told us that, whilst people are often understandably not happy to be living in a secure unit, they are fairly treated and listened to by staff. People have a wide range of therapeutic activities to choose from, and opportunities to participate in the local community. The relatives also told us they were happy with the service, and that it listened and responded to them well.


During our visit, the interactions we observed between staff and patients were positive. Staff and patients knew each other well, and some people enjoyed laughing and joking with the staff.

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