6 Lamberts My Views Matter report

Overall, the staff at 6 Lamberts appeared to understand residents well and to have good relationships with them. The premises seemed to be well personalised, and were being renovated after a period of disrepair....
Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned to undertake this piece of work by Home-Start Norfolk, who received funding from the National Lottery to commission an Impact Report as well as an external evaluation of the Impact Report. This report is our external evaluation of that Impact Report, which was completed by Community Praxis....
In October 2023 we visited Wells Health Centre to speak with patients about their experience with health and social care services and compiled a feedback report. From this visit we received 14 reviews for the centre with an average star rating of 4.8 out of five....
We were invited by the Clerk & Finance Officer of Harling Parish Council to visit East Harling Welcome Hub to speak with local residents about their experiences with local health and social care services. We visited the Welcome Hub in November and also visited East Harling Surgery. From these visits we received 26 reviews for East Harling Surgery, we also received a further five reviews through our website since the start of October 2023 and three reviews through the post which are included in this report. The reviews have an average star rating of 2.2 out of five....
Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned by Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) to find out what they can do to further support the needs of carers of those living with dementia when they are an inpatient in hospital. We aimed to gather feedback around carers experiences of times where their loved ones were inpatients and understand how those experiences could be improved....
Holt Medical Practice are proposing to close their branch surgery Blakeney Surgery. Healthwatch Norfolk were asked by Blakeney Parish Council to find out the impact that the proposed closure might have on the local community....

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