Get involved. Your voice counts

There are many other ways you can get involved with us here at Healthwatch Norfolk to help improve local health and social care services.

Get involved

Your voice counts and we welcome your feedback – good or bad. Anyone can leave feedback about any health and social care service in Norfolk. You can post feedback as a service user, friend, relative/carer of a service user or someone working in health and social care. You can either click this box to leave it online or call us on 0808 168 9669 (lines open 10am to 4pm Mon to Fri)

Have your say on the future of Norwich Walk-In Centre and Norfolk's Out Of Hours GP Service

The NHS wants to hear your views around the future of both services. Find out more and how to share your feedback.

Have your say on The Vulnerable Adults Service

The NHS wants to hear your views around the future of the Vulnerable Adults Service in Norwich. Find out more and share your feedback

Do you care for someone with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI)?

We are keen to hear from carers of adults (especially those aged under 45) who have an SMI.

Your GP Practice experiences if you are deaf or have hearing loss

Tell us how things are at your GP practice if you are deaf or have hearing loss. We want to hear about issues, and share where things have gone well.

Have you had a letter or email that is hard to understand?

We are looking for examples of unclear or complicated communication via letter or email from health and social care bodies.

Join the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Youth Council

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn is looking for people aged 16 to 25 to join its Youth Council. Find out more about how to get involved.

Share For Better Care

If you have never shared your health or social feedback before, please do. It can help improve services.

Out and about

Find out where to meet our team and share your feedback on health and care.

Volunteer with us

Volunteers help us to be as effective as we can be and contribute to improving health and social care in the county. They are vital to helping support Healthwatch Norfolk bring forward patient views to the people who make decisions.