Our team are experienced, nimble, and passionate about engaging with Norfolk’s diverse communities making sure they hear from those with lived experience to help improve services.
Would you like us to talk to communities in Norfolk about a service you offer to find out what works well and what may need further attention getting to the heart of what people really want?
Would you like those responses, analysed, and collated in a report with recommendations for your organisation and stakeholders?
We have experience of doing this for organisations large and small from a GP practice to an acute hospital trust.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital communication project
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn which wanted us to look at ways it could improve communication with the West Norfolk community.
We carried out targeted engagement based on the brief from the hospital which included a focus on young people which saw us work with the College of West Anglia in King’s Lynn to talk to students.
At the end of the project, we published a report with clear recommendations for the hospital to work on.