Experiences of NHS Dental Care

We carried out a survey over the summer of 2024 to understand people’s NHS dentistry experiences in Norfolk.

A total of 221 full or partial survey responses were received.

Some of the key findings included:

  • 76.5 per cent of people could not get a non-emergency dental appointment
  • 48 per cent of respondents could not get an emergency dental appointment.
  • Many told us their practice had moved to only offering private care, and this made it unaffordable for them.
  • Some people also said they had decided to try to treat themselves.


Based on our findings, we are recommending the accessibility of NHS dentistry is prioritised in Norfolk with particular thought given to children and those who are most vulnerable. Better signposting and an improved home-visit dental service could help with this.

I had to wait four days in excruciating pain before I could see anyone.

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