Patient and professional experiences of using digital tools in primary care Year Three report

This is the final year of a three-year project which was commissioned by the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board.

The focus was around how patients use different digital methods of accessing their GP practice, what they are, and any barriers to them.

We heard from a total of 768 people who completed a survey, as well as carrying out interviews and focus groups, attending public events and visiting GP practices to get further feedback.

Around three quarters of those we spoke to had used the NHS App, and just over a third were aware of the Shared Care Record which aims to hold information in one place for different organisations to access so you do not have to keep repeating yourself.

We also found only 20 per cent of young people are using the NHS App and there is a lack of awareness from young people about it.

Healthwatch Norfolk made five recommendations based on what it heard. These are:

  • Promote awareness of the NHS App to young people in Norfolk. This would help empower them to access their medical records and information independently.
  • Make sure there is information available to answer people’s questions around the Shared Care Record particularly around how information is shared and what that is.
  • Make sure all digital innovation is independently evaluated to focus on the patient experience and satisfaction.
  • Keep working with Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) for feedback around the accessibility of communications materials which could involve the formation of an accessibility panel.
  • Encourage more research into digital access for those who do not know how to use it or do not have access to the technology.


If the NHS app is to become the digital front door to primary healthcare, it is imperative that Norfolk citizens know it exists, what it is, how to download it, the sign-up process, and how it can benefit them.

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