The QEH opened its newly refurbished simulation ward giving staff to the chance to train for real-life scenarios in a safe environment – and it’s all thanks to a generous donation from the hospital’s charity.
The innovative simulation ward will be used by staff, as well as students, as part of their ongoing training and development. This kind of hands-on training is invaluable to team members, allowing them to live real-time scenarios ultimately improving the standard of care and experience for patients.
The onsite simulated ward has three beds and is complete with a medication trolley, digital information board and resus equipment. The area also boasts four manikin patients designed to educate learners in a variety of in-hospital patient scenarios.
Generously funded by The QEH King’s Lynn charity, who donated £16,500 towards refurbishing this area, this investment will offer a safe place to practice realistic health skills – from basic entry level assessments right up to advanced interventions.
Helen Muncey, Head of The QEH’s Education Faculty, said: “The development of the simulation ward presents an opportunity to expand the simulation education offered at the Trust.
“The increased access to enhanced simulation training provides a safe learning environment for staff and learners to gain confidence in a core range of clinical skills, competencies, teamwork, fundamental care, communication as well as learning from incidents and emergency preparedness.”
Alice Webster, CEO at The QEH, said: “It’s great to see the simulation ward up and running after months of planning and preparation. It will be a fantastic resource for staff who will be able to get a simulated experience.
“The simulation ward will support staff and patient safety. I am pleased to see its development and will be delighted to see the impact on those who use it.
“Thank you to The QEH King’s Lynn Charity for funding this refurbishment and to all colleagues who have helped make this happen.”
To find out more about the charity and donate, click here.