Hospital unveils ambitious 2024-2030 strategy to transform healthcare

The QEH has formally launched its new 2024-2030 strategy, marking a bold step towards enhancing the lives of patients, staff, and the local community.

This strategy sets a refreshed vision and mission, reflecting the progress made and the ambitions for the future of healthcare in the region.

VisionMaking a positive difference together
MissionTo improve the health and clinical outcomes of our local communities
Delivery AmbitionWe will provide quality, effective healthcare fit for the future, delivered by a skilled, caring and compassionate Team QEH.

CEO Alice Webster commented, “Our new strategy is a blueprint for delivering the highest standards of care, tailored to meet the evolving needs of our community.

“It represents our commitment to provide Quality Effective Healthcare fit for the future, delivered by a skilled, caring and compassionate Team QEH.”

A strategy for the future, informed by the present

The new strategy is a ‘live’ document, designed to evolve with changing needs and priorities. It has been shaped by comprehensive feedback from patients, staff, and stakeholders, and collaboration with local healthcare providers. Importantly, it aligns with the New Hospital Programme and the Norfolk and Waveney Joint Forward Plan.

“We’re not just planning for the future; we’re building it together, from the ground up,” said Carly West-Burnham, Director of Strategy and Integration, who led the development of the strategy. “This strategy reflects the insights, experiences, and aspirations of our entire Team QEH, ensuring that we are not only meeting today’s challenges but are also prepared for those ahead.”

Starting from 2024, the strategy sets the course through to 2030 – a landmark date for the planned opening of a newly rebuilt QEH. It includes quarterly milestones for progress ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage.

The strategy is built around nine essential focus areas:

  • Holistic Patient-Centred Care and Experience: Enhancing patient satisfaction and access to care for all communities.
  • Clinical Excellence: Achieving the best outcomes for patients through the adoption of best practices and becoming a teaching hospital.
  • Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness: Meeting national standards, reducing waiting times, and improving patient access by effectively utilising all resources.
  • Valuing Our People: Making QEH a truly great place to work, where everyone feels valued, respected, motivated, and empowered to excel.
  • Governance and Leadership: Ensuring excellence in healthcare governance that supports safety and quality.
  • Becoming a Digitally Enabled and Data-Driven Organisation: Prioritising digital-first approaches to care, including the use of Electronic Patient Records and upskilling staff in digital competencies.
  • Financial Sustainability: Delivering value for money with strong financial oversight and control, ensuring services are delivered within budget.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Reducing the hospital’s carbon footprint, increasing recycling, and expanding green initiatives like car sharing and electric vehicle charging.
  • Community and Stakeholder Partnerships: Building stronger relationships to improve population health.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

The strategy is not a static plan but a roadmap that will be regularly reviewed and updated to adapt to emerging challenges and opportunities. Annual milestones will be published to track progress and celebrate achievements.

To read the full strategy you can visit the QEH website here