August Bank Holiday information

Healthwatch Norfolk has created this page to give up-to-date information about opening times for services over the Bank Holiday weekend. There is information about:

  • Healthwatch Norfolk
  • Out-of-hours NHS
  • Pharmacies
  • Norfolk County Council
  • Other organisations who may be able to help you


The Healthwatch Norfolk office reopens at 10am on Tuesday August 27. Our voicemail system and email inbox is still open and your enquiry will be responded to when the team return after the holiday.

Out-of-hours NHS services

People are asked to only attend the emergency department if it is absolutely necessary. The department can help if you are suffering chest pain, difficulty breathing, bleeding that will not stop or signs of a stroke. You should always call 999 or go to an emergency department in those circumstances.

If you need help that is not urgent, please call 111 or use 111 online by clicking here. They can refer you to the best place to help you. The team can provide health advice, connect you with a healthcare professional, arrange a face-to-face appointment including home visits and out-of-hours appointments, or give you an arrival time for an emergency department.

Not sure where to get health help?

NHS Norfolk and Waveney put together a web-page with more information about where to find help if you feel unwell or are injured.

You can find it here. 

Medication and prescriptions

If you need a prescription over the Bank Holiday weekend, you can find your closest available pharmacy here. 

Norfolk County Council Social Services

Essential services continue over the Bank Holiday.

For urgent social care matters that cannot be safely left until the next normal working day, contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 24 hours a day throughout the Bank Holiday period

Information and Support

We have compiled a list of other organisations that may be able to help with information and support. You can find that section of our website here.