Wymondham Medical Partnership feedback report June 2022

In May 2022 we visited Wymondham Medical Partnership to speak with patients about their experience with health and social care services. From this visit we received 26 reviews for Wymondham Medical Partnership. We also visited Wymondham Library where we received 3 pieces of feedback for the surgery. Alongside this, these visits were promoted on Facebook before and after and so consequently the following report also includes feedback received directly through our website or sent through the post from 1st May to 10th June 2022. In total this report presents 40 pieces of feedback. The reviews have an average star rating of 3.7 out of five.

Overall, the main concern raised by patients was long waits on the phone when calling for appointments or for information or advice. Alongside this, many told us of positive experiences with staff and that they felt well looked after.

When visiting the surgery to speak with patients, Healthwatch Norfolk officers noted a very welcoming reception team, lots of parking availability, and clean large waiting areas with clear signposting.

When you get in there the staff are lovely and amazing, but being able to get an appointment right now is very very concerning for both me and my children.

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