Transition of care from children’s to adults’ health and care services February 2023

Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned by Norfolk Community Health and Care (NCH&C) to investigate the experiences of young people, their families/carers, and professionals of the move from children’s to adults’ health and care services, known as transitioning, across Norfolk.

We found support varied depending on the service being accessed which was particularly apparent among those with complex needs accessing multiple service. Young people felt communication needed improving, and parents also wanted to be more involved in transition decisions around moving to adult care, and the planning process around the move was also very complicated.

We made a number of recommendations including gathering feedback from young people and carers on how things could improve, better communication, and consider having a keyworker who is the first point of contact for young people.


The adult services do not mirror Childrens Services, so finding the correct team to transition a YP [young person]to can be tricky.

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