Patient views on the future of Blakeney Surgery

Holt Medical Practice are proposing to close their branch surgery Blakeney Surgery. Healthwatch Norfolk were asked by Blakeney Parish Council to find out the impact that the proposed closure might have on the local community.

We found out that nearly all respondents thought that the closure would have a negative impact on them and others in the local community. The biggest impact and concern was around travel and transport for an aging community with limited public transport options. In particular, respondents were worried about collecting regular prescriptions which they currently collect from Blakeney Surgery.

Most respondents told us that they would like to see a return to full GP services at Blakeney Surgery with nurse and doctor appointments and the ability to collect prescriptions.


It will be really difficult to collect prescriptions. I work all week and don’t have the opportunity to make 50 minute round trip to Holt. Boots is closed on a Saturday so that’s no help . It’s a valuable local service.

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