We found that the main impacts on people’s lives were to do with their levels of physical activity and negative impacts on their mental health. Whilst some participants felt there was no change to their wider lives, we heard how many suffered a reduction in their physical activity due to reduced mobility which, for some, may have been linked with other conditions. Many participants told us how they experienced a negative impact to their mental health and well-being, often feeling depressed, worried, and stressed.

Experiences of those with pressure ulcers and lower leg wounds
Healthwatch Norfolk was commissioned by Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C), as part of an ongoing series of focus groups, to conduct a Norfolk-wide review and explore and gather feedback on the experiences of people, as well as family or carers of people, who have or had suffered from pressure ulcers and lower leg wounds. We did this by conducting interviews with those who have suffered from pressure ulcers or lower leg wounds, their family or carers, and professionals.