A brand new report has been published which sets out smoking and vaping habits in Norfolk.
The document also reveals the work being done by the county’s Public Health team to achieve a smoke-free generation in the county by 2030.
You can download a full copy of the report here
It is part of the annual report from the county’s Director of Public Health Stuart Lines.
Key points from the report
Public health priorities around the issue are:
- Reducing rates of smoking
- Effective tobacco control
- Ensuring vaping is used as a quit tool and not marketed to children and young people.
It also reveals some key facts about smoking in Norfolk. They are:
- Currently, around 13% of adults (99,300 people) in Norfolk smoke.
- Great Yarmouth has the highest adult smoking rate (around 18%, approximately 14,200 smokers)
- Broadland has the lowest (around 8%, approximately 8,900 smokers).
- An estimated 44,900 children in Norfolk live in households with adults who smoke.
- The costs associated with smoking in Norfolk are estimated at £872 million annually, including health and social care costs, lost productivity, and house fires.
This report also highlights through case studies ways Public Health staff are working together with partners and through the Smokefree Norfolk and Ready to Change services to help people quit.
It also covers proactive measures such as the work Trading Standards does to clamp down on underage or illegal sales to protect people from harm.