Mental health patients asked to share their story

People in Norfolk who have been severely affected by mental illness are being asked to share their experiences with Healthwatch Norfolk.

We are keen to discover more about what support people received from community mental health services.

Our team would like to hear from adults diagnosed with a Severe Mental Illness who have received help in the last three years.

Common diagnoses associated with Serious Mental Illness include:

  • Schizophrenia/ Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Other long term mental health conditions which severely impact a person’s life (for example: a major depressive disorder, a personality disorder or an eating disorder).

The Healthwatch Norfolk team is working with NHS Norfolk and Waveney and the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) to find out from patients:

  • What worked well.
  • What needs to be improved.
  • Any changes they have noticed since a project began to transform community mental health care three years ago.

You can leave your feedback in a number of ways. You can:

Fill in a survey at

Call Healthwatch Norfolk on 0808 168 9669.

Email [email protected]

Those leaving feedback may also be invited to have a one-to-one interview to talk about their experiences in more detail.

All the insight will then be analysed and collated, and a report compiled looking at what was found.

It is part of an ongoing project which sees Healthwatch Norfolk looking at various aspects of community mental health care.

This includes the impact on carers and families, and how the ongoing change to the service is going.

Alex Stewart, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Norfolk, said:

“We are conducting an ongoing evaluation of how a Steering Group led by Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (NWICB) and Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust have progressed with transforming community mental health care, and this is the latest part of it.

“The first-hand knowledge of those who have received help will be invaluable to our work. Our team are very keen to listen to those experiences and see what those who are receiving help feel about the care and support they receive, both positive and negative.”