Healthwatch Norfolk says ‘Thank you’

GP surgeries, pharmacies, hospitals, and care organisation which work regularly with Healthwatch Norfolk are going to receive formal and public recognition of the partnership.

Healthwatch will be presenting an annual certificate which can be put on display in public areas and shown on an organisation’s website.

It wanted to show communities who it was working with to gather feedback to help shape health and care services.

Alex Stewart, Healthwatch Norfolk chief executive, explained: “We felt this was a chance for patients or those being cared for to know that we have visited an organisation to gather feedback and shared that with its leaders.

“It is also a thank you to staff at these organisations for working with us to help us talk to their local communities about both the good practice they have received and any improvements they would like to see.”

As well as being presented with the certificate, any visit to an organisation where 10 or more pieces of feedback are received will also receive a report highlighting any key trends or issues which are revealed. These are given to bosses and published on the Healthwatch Norfolk website.

Alex said: “We are always keen to visit organisations in health and care to talk to those that use the service and their loved ones. This can often provide vital insight and intelligence for senior leaders and help them shape their care even more closely to those they help.”