Find out about new QEH

You can find out more about plans for a new Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn this summer.

A series of events hosted by the CEO Alice Webster along with a dedicated new hospital programme team, will bring the community up to date on the work going on behind the scenes to deliver a new QEH by 2030.

Information session are taking place at the following locations from 6-7.30pm on:

  • Monday 21 August – Knights Hill Hotel, King’s Lynn
  • Wednesday 23 August – Oasis Community Centre, Wisbech
  • Wednesday 30 August – Princess Theatre, Hunstanton
  • Thursday 31 August – Downham Market Town Hall

Local residents, patients, carers, businesses and interested parties are being invited to attend and learn how the project is being brought to life.

This includes how the latest data and statistics are being used to set out the size and scale of the new building, looking at how the population will change, and the latest health trends and ways of caring.

The team will explain how modern methods of construction – like those used in the QEH Endoscopy Unit – will mean the building will be carbon neutral, sustainable and have the longevity to serve generations to come.

Attendees will hear how the hospital will be built within the footprint of the existing main hospital car park and how enabling works are being systematically delivered at pace to make available the space required. This includes the construction of a new multi-storey car park.

Alice Webster, CEO at The QEH, said: “We want to come out to our local communities to tell people where we are so far with our plans for a new hospital. These sessions are just the start of events where we will give you updates.

“We have a long road ahead of us to make plans for our new hospital a reality, but I want to ensure that you – our patients, residents and business who supported us so strongly in our campaign for a new hospital – feel absolutely informed about that journey.

“We can’t be specific at this stage about the details – like bed numbers and all the services we will offer. That will come. But we do want to hear what matters to you about your new hospital. It might not be something we can deliver, but there will be some things we can do. So please come along, tell us what you’d like to see and find out more.”

People are being asked to register their attendance at events. Book in online at, email [email protected] or call 01553 613051.