Healthwatch Norfolk wants to find out your experiences at your local pharmacy.

We are going to be going out and speaking to the public,  pharmacy managers, pharmacists and GP surgeries to understand what works for them, and what could work better.

Our engagement team is visiting sites across the county through March and April to get the views of people who use them.

We will be trying to find out any problems they are experiencing, how things could be enhanced, and to discover and highlight where the service is outstanding too.

At the end of the engagement sessions, we will produce a report with recommendations as to what is working well, and what improvements can be made and this report will go to Pharmacies in Norfolk, the Local Pharmacy Committee (LPC), and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) as well as on our website.

A full list of pharmacies the team is visiting is available here  with more sites still to be confirmed.

If you cannot attend the pharmacies in person while the team are there, you can also leave your feedback online here

Or you can scan the QR code below

You can also call us on 0808 168 9669 to leave your feedback by phone.

There is more information about the study in the video below:

We have also created a video with more information about the process in a pharmacy. What happens after a doctor has issued a prescription? You can find out more below