Are you over 65 or care for someone in that age range? If so, Healthwatch Norfolk is keen to hear from you if you have had recent experience of getting help from social services.
They are working with Norfolk County Council to understand people’s experiences, and will use the findings to make recommendations to the Council on how people’s experiences can be improved. The team are keen to hear from people who have used any type of social service from the Council. This might include, for example, support to live in a residential or nursing home, having carers visiting you at home, or receiving help to resume independent living at home after a stay in hospital.
It could also mean using Day Centres, having changes made to your home or being given technology to help you stay independent or receiving welfare and money advice from the county council.
They are also keen to discover the experiences of carers of those who are over 65 too.
You can leave your feedback online via the link below.
You can also call Healthwatch Norfolk on 0808 168 9669 (lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday).
Or you can email [email protected] and one of the team can arrange to chat to you on a time/date convenient to you.
When the survey closes in late May, the results will then be analysed, and a report compiled with recommendations which will be reported back to senior staff at Norfolk County Council Adult Social Services.